A.K. Lockwood
Mystery, Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy
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Jul 2023
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Logistic Manager
Under the pseudonym A.K. Lockwood hides our more Polish and homely-sounding "Andrzej," a graduate of the University of Economics in Wroc?aw, majoring in "Management, Informatics, and Finance." I can't reveal much more because he is a mysterious gentleman. Truth be told, he can barely manage himself, let alone others. Does he hope for tremendous financial success? Not entirely. So, what does he hope for, you may ask? He hopes that his books bring readers at least half as much joy as creating them brings him. Is he a writer? That's definitely too "grand" of a word, more of an author who creates new worlds hidden within the recesses of his mind. Perhaps one day he will reveal himself, but until then, he will keep writing, hoping that his work will pique someone's interest.